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Monday, May 21, 2007

Mom Implores Commission To Consider Skateboard Facility

   A Lawrenceburg mom addressed a meeting of the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Commissioners last week, imploring them to consider assisting in the construction of a skateboard park for local skateboarders.

   “I have a son, and he and his friends love to skate,” Leigh Waylan, Chairperson for the Lawrenceburg Skate Park Committee stated Thursday evening. “There’s not a suitable place for them to skate.”

   Waylan told commissioners that these youngsters deserve a place to participate in their sport of choice. Currently, Waylan stated, “They are skating in parking lots and empty warehouses that are unsafe – somebody’s going to be killed.”

   Waylan presented commissioners with a petition that bore the signatures of more than 900 individuals, urging leaders to explore the possibility of establishing a safe place for youngsters to skate.

   A group of between twenty and thirty young people then crowded around the board, effectively adding a face to the cause.

   “And this is just a small group…,” Waylan stated. “We just want to provide a good wholesome environment for them to skate in,” she explained.

   Cromer Smotherman, who has become involved in the skate park issue, added, “These kids don’t necessarily play baseball or other organized sports…these young people love skateboarding…They need a safe place where they can skate. We just ask the city to help us with that.”